Struggling to lose weight? Feeling sluggish in the mornings? Congested skin? Brain fog? Maybe you’re toxic!
Did you know that obesity is related to toxic overload? Studies have found that people whose mothers smoked when they were pregnant are more likely to become obese adults. The agricultural industry has for a long time known the effect of toxins on weight, and uses synthetic chemicals to fatten livestock, which we then eat.
Every day we take in toxins through the air we breathe, the food we eat, the water we drink, and the cosmetics and deodorants we use. Our bodies naturally process these toxins, breaking them down and excreting anything that doesn’t belong in us. Bioaccumulation occurs when we absorb toxins faster than we can get rid of them. When this happens, the excess toxins are stored in our fat to be processed later. If we continue to take in toxins faster than we can get rid of them, we need to store more of them, which means we accumulate more fat in which to store them.
Excess fat slows down our metabolism and impairs the function of our organs. The fatter we get, the harder it becomes to lose weight. As our detox organs become less efficient, less toxins will be excreted and more toxins will be stored, leading again to more fat. It is extremely difficult to lose weight when our organs are not functioning properly. If we do manage to shed some fat, the toxins that were stored in it are released, and increase the load on our already struggling organs.
So how do we break out of this toxic cycle?
We need 3 stages to effectively detox:
- Reduce toxic intake.
- Strengthen and support our detox organs, specifically our liver, kidneys, lungs, large and small intestines, as well as our overall immune system.
- Release the toxins in our bodies.
The problem with most detox approaches available on the market is that they only address one or two of these stages. If we try to release toxins without strengthening our detox organs, we simply increase the load on them, putting more stress on already overworked systems. If we only try to reduce our toxic intake, we are not proactively ridding our bodies of the bioaccumulation that is already there and affecting us negatively. Many of the detox programs I have seen are extremely harsh on our bodies, promising quick and immediate results. They are akin to scrubbing out our insides with a scourer and have little lasting benefit, and in fact can cause harm to our stressed organs. I prefer a gentler, long term approach. An effective detox with long lasting results is unfortunately not something that can realistically be achieved in 48 hours, or even 1 or 2 weeks. It requires long term dietary changes to reduce our toxic intake permanently, time to build up our organs and immune system, and time to allow our toxic fat to break down and be flushed from our bodies.
I have designed a 6 week detox program that effectively addresses all three of these stages. Detox needs to be part of any weight loss program. When our detox system is functioning effectively, toxins will naturally be excreted, reducing the need for fat to store them. If you have been struggling to lose weight, sign up for my detox program today and experience the difference for yourself!
Baillie-Hamilton, PF The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. April 2002, 8(2): 185-192.
Heindel, J “Endocrine disruptors and the obesity epidemic”, Toxicol. Sci. (2003) 76 (2): 247-249.
Jones, OA, Maguire, ML, Griffin JL “Environmental pollution and diabetes: a neglected association”, Lancet. 2008 Jan 26;371(9609):287-8.
Kershaw, EE and Flier,JS “Adipose Tissue as on Endocrine Organ”, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Melobolism, 2004. 89(6): p. 2548•2556.
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