Depressed man needing space clearing
Do you ever feel heavy and disgruntled for no reason? Does your home feel oppressive after entertaining certain visitors? Does entering your office space make you feel heavy and weighed down? Negative energies can sometimes linger in an area and affect you subtly without your conscious awareness. Space clearing helps to move out any stagnant, negative energies that may be hanging around and bringing you down.
When to do it
Space clearing can be done whenever you like, and as often you like. Do it when you come into a new space to clear it of any negative energies left by the previous occupants. For example, you may like to clear the space of a new house or office before you move in. It can also be used after a time of illness or trauma. If there has been a prolonged time of suffering in a certain area, either mental or physical, you may like to clear the space of any possible lingering negative energies. Some people like to clear their rooms energetically before and after visitors or as part of their regular cleaning routine.
How to do it

Space clearing smoke
The problem with white sage smudging is that it can be quite inconvenient. It may not be appropriate for you to burn stuff in your office! Instead of smudging, you could try various essential oils and vibrational essences such as flower remedies.
Essential oils
Essential oils can be used in a room mist or diffuser. Only use essential oils, not fragrance oils, and purchase therapeutic grade oils if possible. The best kind of diffuser is an ultrasonic one which can disperse essential oils safely throughout a large area without heating them. You can also use an oil burner or create a room mist which you can then spray around your room.
Here is a list of essential oils that can be used for space clearing.
Juniper berry: Drives out negative influences and breaks up stagnation. It is used to detoxify, cleanse, and purify.
Hyssop: Mentioned several times in the Bible and was used to clean sacred places.
Cedarwood: Also mentioned several times in the Bible and was used to build Solomon’s temple. It represents spiritual strength and is used to fortify you, giving you immovable strength in times of crisis.
Myrrh: Well known as one of the gifts given by the Magi to Jesus Christ, and was highly valued as a healing ointment. Psychologically it is used to give inner stillness and peace.
Cypress: Used to free suppressed emotion. It transforms and renews.
Vibrational essences
There are many vibrational essences that can be used for space clearing, including certain crystal, colour, or flower essences. Here are some Bach and Australian Bush flower remedies that may be useful for space clearing. The essences can be sprayed around your room or you can put some drops in various places such as corners, doorways and windows.
Angelsword: Releases negative energies and protects from external influences.
Crab apple: Used for peaceful cleansing and balance.
Fringed violet: Heals auric damage and distress. Can provide psychic protection.
Red lily: Helps you feel grounded and focused.
Walnut: Break ties to the past that my be preventing progress.
White chestnut: Releases negative thoughts.
Space clearing mist
The easiest way to use essential oils and vibrational essences for space clearing is to combine them into a mist which you can then bottle and spray. There are many different brands available. Some are nothing more than air fresheners filled with synthetic compounds and little energetic benefit. I have created my own mist using a combination of therapeutic grade essential oils and specially blended vibrational essences. I use essential oils because they contain therapeutic benefits, whereas fragrance oils smell nice but do not contain the same therapeutic compounds as essential oils. Some essential oils are not appropriate for use during pregnancy, or if you have epilepsy or certain allergies and sensitivities. Because of this, I also have a version of my Space Clearing Mist made with the same combination of flower essences but without any essential oils. This version still has some aroma due to the preservatives used, but it is minimal. You can purchase my mists online, or go ahead and make your own.
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